"VICE VERSA" and other works by Katya Kievskaya

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Yuna Moriz

The Hard Working Old Lady

The cat was too lazy
To catch him a mousy.
The boy was too lazy,
To help in the housy.
The fly was too lazy
To buzz in the airy.
The boy was too lazy
To comb out his hairy.
The mouse was too lazy
To nest in a nooky.
The boy was too lazy,
To read any booky.
They lived with old Maisy,
Who'd never been lazy,
The way they just sat there,
Was driving her crazy.
What could she do 
When they lived in her housy-
The lazy small boy 
And the lazy wee mousy, 
The lazy old fly 
And the lazy fat kitty.
When she worked so hard?
What a terrible pity!
Then Maisy decided
That she'd do their jobsies.
She hunted for mice
And she caught gobs and gobsies.
For the mouse that lived with her
She made a soft nesty
That he could go hide in
When he needed resty.
The boy was the worst
Of the whole lazy lotty
She combed out his hair 
And untangled each knotty,
She did all his chores
And she found him a booky,
Then read it herself--
He would not even looky.
And as for the fly
Who would not even buzzy,
She made herself wings
Out of cloth soft and fuzzy.
The she flew to the house 
Of a friend far awaysy
Who was ever so glad
To welcome old Maisy.
But when she had got
To the end of her journey
Next day she flew back
For she had to returny.
To do all the work 
In that lazy old housy
The work of the boy, 
Fly, kitty and mousy.
Who know what would happen
To us every daysy
If it weren't for people
Like unlazy Maisy?

Translation: Lydia Razran Stone
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