"VICE VERSA" and other works by Katya Kievskaya

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Genrikh Sapgir


The legend says that:

The legend says that:
Once a princess,
sweet, delightful.
In bad weather,
stormy, frightful.
In the middle
 of the day, 
Took a walk
And lost her way.
Found a clearing,
In a wood,
Where an ancient
Cottage stood.
Home to a troll,
Man-eating, frightful,
Who growled, "You're late
Come in at once,
I'm hungry 
And I want my lunch."
He grabbed his knife
With manner spiteful
But when he saw her,
Sweet, delightful, 
He began to feel 
Quite sick.
And said, "Get out
And make it quick."
My appetite for flesh
Is frightful,
But you are just
too darn delightful!"
And so she left
without delay,
And found her castle
right away.
Or so it says
this legend frightful.
About a princess,
sweet, delightful.
Although, in spite 
Of what they say
It might have been the other way:

The weather might have
been delightful.
And the princess
Ugly, frightful
Who in the middle of the day
Took a walk and lost her way,
Found a clearing,
In a wood,
Where an ancient
Cottage stood.
Home to a troll,
quite sweet, delightful.
Who called "My dear
Come in at once,
And join me in a 
Little lunch."
But when he looked
and got a sight full
Of that princess
Ugly, frightful.
The troll began to 
Feel quite sick
And said, "Please go, 
and make it quick."
Though girls for lunch
Can be delightful.
You, my dear, look
Just too frightful.
And so she left without delay 
And found her castle
Right away.
That's how it goes
this tale delightful,
About a princess
Ugly, frightful.

Translation: Lydia Razran Stone
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